contemplation of the beat

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Tuesday, January 13, 2009 @ 10:47 PM

ok...its e 1st time double posting..
its weird..
i can't think straight..
i tried to stop gaming today..
n instead..
shes getting into my thick skull..
i wish she were OC or PIPC or even TD..
i'll get full marks for tests..

tick away
as the dust fades off..
the eyes awaken..
deep slumber..
gaining conciousness...
daydreams and regrets..
attraction spurs the heart..
attention captures none..
fear stimulates the soul..
consumes the heart..
messes the brain..
as we wait apon..
and for one..
so that we can awake..
as one.

love makes u crazy

rushing into things..
my pace is moving as fast as my heart..
whenu run too fast..
u either reach ur destination
with joy n relief..
or u just fall off a cliff..
cus u cant stop ur momentum..

dammit girl..
you have captivated my heart