contemplation of the beat

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into oblivion my heart has gone.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008 @ 10:19 PM

its amazing how u're heart n mind can never get it right.
its so totally split personallity.
sometimes ur heart thinks over ur mind..
n ur brain kicks it when its too late.
or well...e other way for that matter.
i'm facing this huge issue now.
i can't seem to follow any.
1 will rip me apart.
the other screws me up.
only these can explain what i am right now.
alot of fucked up decision been made lately.
even though i'm wrong..
i'll just rebel back..
i've been this way till...
i have no idea hw ppl look at me anymore.
a fear that i might retaliate.
getting pissed when in a confrontation with me.
i just feel i'm losing my hope n trust with everyone around soon.
time will just let all fall n break sooner of later.

i tend to follow my mind so much that all these are happening.
being smart is 1 thing..
but i'm just using my mind to think of ways to just
get out of e real world..
n just slack.
i done em..
i have..
but well.
look were i am..
i noe wads killing me.
but i cont. to let it kill me.
cool eh?

some things can n never will happen.
cus i just dun have e guts to face reality in its face.
either that i just don't want to.
fate is guiding me e way..
n i'm reluctant to take over.

its too late to appologize