contemplation of the beat

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left4dead! hehehehe
Monday, January 12, 2009 @ 1:38 AM

left4dead hehehe...
give u 5% off.
thx marc for sending it to me..
pretty fun game..
over came e stupid zombies by spamming anything i saw..
no wonder my accuracy lowest.
luan luan lai 1..
burst a couple of heads or 2 was fun..
so much more fun while playing with a mic..

went to esplanade 2day..
went to meet up with my theatre studies teammates to get
our presentation done..
Elizabethan era of theatre..
did u noe~~
-costumes costed more than producing a show..
-only males were allowed to act..
(yes even female roles)
-execution's were real..they'll get prisoners on death sentance.
and many cool stuff..
spent 3 hours compiling stuff up..
rather pleased..


so cool...

helm got out rolled by 3 tmd..

idiot mage...

hate em all..

each day pass

n i keep wondering..

when do i get to see u again.