contemplation of the beat

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screw emo-ness
Friday, February 13, 2009 @ 3:07 AM

'me laughing is the cover up of the sadness within my heart'
argh screw this emo bullshit. feels that way..
but its a cry for attention...
sry for my crude language..
but this is e most relaxing way to express myself :)

ya..i'm sick...
caught e flu...
cant sleep recently..
i wonder why...
stayed home..
and duhx..
whole day.
exams are coming..
i duno wad to do..
no not study.
i've given up on that for chem eng.
i'm rather looking forward to nafa..
i wanna get in..
been drawing lately..
hoping to build up my portfolio.
lets do this shit!

considering to buy the psp3000.
cus my psp is kinda...screwed up?
e system is all crapped up..
auto shut downs n restarts etc..
still considering though...
we'll see..

i'm still waiting...
i dun care wad other ppl say.
lets see how much steam is in me.