contemplation of the beat

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emo? emotional? its all e same.
Monday, February 9, 2009 @ 1:39 AM

i was told nt to post about 'them' so i'm gonna keep it low.
but i just wanna say.
(despite being slow)
its cool to see my own competition.
at its best.
atleast i think its their best..
but i'm sure they have something else hidden up their sleeves.
its because i was sitting next to e speakers?
cus i felt it hard to breath with the energy level going up during certain parts.
which was a good thing.
i enjoyed it.
sure arts about the visuals,the execution all those stuff.
but for me as a individual.
what i look for in a good show.
is something that can give me goosebumps in a good way.
these goosebumps will lead to e butterflies in e tummy.
n even being pressed down.
thats how i find or feel if its a good show.
i'm sure nt all of u agree..
i dun give a shit :P
good show.
but we'll do better!
i know we can.

Serim has registered to raiding guild:
'Epic Fail'
pwn pwn!

this night..
i wasn't breathing well not just cus of a good show..
u're taking over everything..
u said to me...
'u look so serious in if u have alot of stuff in ur mind.'
well i do..
its u...
really nice to have to be able to chat with u..
made my day seriously..
i don't want it to be the last.

u're totally something else.