contemplation of the beat

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over-doing it
Tuesday, June 3, 2008 @ 10:33 PM

hey people...
i like still have 2 more exam papers....but somehow i just cant be bothered -.-
tmr is OC(organic chem)
but....there is like nth to read -.-
n so...i shall blog instead..

today was e engineering math paper...
it was alright i guess..
i lost atleast 13 marks though...
but i wont fail!!
pipc was a screw up..
i lost the 9 marks at e last Qn..
oh well..
it was my own unpreparedness that caused it..
well....lets move on..

went to parkway parade with ruohan...
went to espirt to get e jeans fer flipside..
starting was a big headache..
we need to keep within a budget..
the quantity...
the sizes...
the design..
and the discounts haha..
atfirst we faced problems in all e sections above...
n we almost walked out..
but e sales lady was really good..
somehow..she managed to get us back in n solved everything for us..
(ppl...i noe some of u think damn far...DONT)
she helped us solve e discount n budget problem
by offereing us to join e esprit membership..
n she also said that if we knew anyone whos birthday was in june..
we could sign up as member in their name n enjoy
a further 20% duscount..
that person was belson...whos bday was yest haha..
then..she helped us order the diff sizes all around SG..
luckily...we only had to go 1 place...
which was centerpoint..
thus she solved all our problems..

we'll...pretty much thats all that happened today..
tmr OC test..
better get some sleep..
haven't even revised for it yet haha...

flipside is coming..
our performance is rdy..
n we are rdy to give it all..
drumming has become more..exciting to me recently..
since being able to 'let loose' in drumming
instead of the stern n serious face..
by just letting lose n just enjoy..
feels really really really great...seriously..
i find it so enjoyful..that i'm getting carried away..

i've been commented that e way i drum now..
is like as if i'm damn passed at someone..
n just keep whacking n venting my anger..
i duno y they say that..
but all i can say..
is that i'm having a hell of a good time..
but..due to me getting carried away..
i tend to look like some crazy guy on stage with e others..
n thus..i gotta turn it down a little..
but when i do that..
it feel damn bloody weird -.-
maybe everyone should just go crazy...
so thath i don't look crazy =p