contemplation of the beat

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1st day of school in TP
Monday, April 21, 2008 @ 9:41 PM

ok back to posting~~
2day was e 1st day of school...
was suppose to be an exciting day...
well....didn't turn out e way i expected it to be hahas..

ok...even timing screwed up fer me somehow..

was to meet puayning(new friend in TP [classmate] :D)
at tampines interchange at 10.20..
so woked up at 8.30..
n aimed to reached e bus stop at 9.20 to head fer tampines...( i had no idea y i choose tat time.)
so usually i had to wait fer e bus fer 10-15 mins?
but instead it came just as i stepped into e bus stop -.-
n i reached tampines at 9.40 heh -.-
so went to mac to have breakfast..

tried e new macgiddles burger?
i thought it was gonna be some toasted bun n was looking forward to trying it..
n like was hotcake buns?
soaked with maple syrup..
(sounds nice eh?)
as if...
it tasted like...well i cant say crap cus i have not tasted crap b4..
but i get wad i mean...:D
maybe its just me?
but i have e damn burger..
took bout 4-5 bites n cant take another nore...
so i started to play psp to pass e time..

meet puayning..
blah blah blah fast forward...
reached e TP busstop..
saw masturah,aisha and hafizh at e bridge..
waited with them...
den saw sheik(shake shake XD)
den went in to meet e others...(classmates)
went to get my timetable n matriculation card~

blah blah~~...
went to get our lab coats...(20+ $$ x.x)
n went to slack by walking around e sch...
12 was e 1st class of we thought so...-.-
went to e lab...
to find out there was no lab work today -.-..
so all of us had like 3 hrs to do nth...
so we went to get some lunch...
some of us went to kfc (like ME!)
n e other roti prata....( i wanted both =/)
anyway...ate till bout...2? ya around there...n headed back to sch...

still nth to do...went to check on e ez link cards...
mine aint rdy yet.. week i guess..
n after that...we headed fer e library...

went to e 3rd floor...
wanted to use e computers..
but somehow need some kinda we all passed..
on e 3rd floor there is this tv lounge...
4 partitions..
we went into e top left 1..
we thought all e diff tv's had e same channel...
our tv only had e news channels -.-
BBC...CNN...Bloomsburg.. n some australlian channel..
watched CNN 1st...
was DAMN exciting -.-
we watched e american elections going on..
Mas salamat should run for president LOL!! bored with news n scrolled to this australlian channel..
n guess wad was being played...
we were like damn excited...n blasted e volume..
e ppl on e other side saw us watching banana in pajamas n switched to tat channel too
was damn lame...
but anw..went to 3..
at first e teacher 'didnt' come...n we were like excited?
1st day of sch n we did nth lol..
but somehow...
e classroom was changed..
n e teacher was waiting for us there..
we ya...we went there

well...class was like...u noe..class..
dun wanna elaborate...i bet u must be bored reading already lol..

well...a new school..
a new me i guess ^^
not gonna say tat i'm gonna study like damn hard..
cus u cant say u're gonna do ur best or
that u're gonna be hard working this time..
cus action speaks louder than words..
as i have proven tat to myself
that this way of thinking is pointless..

changes in ones personality/attitude
cannot be judged by that person him/herself..
e change can only be viewed by others around.
everyone around me..even myself have changed in many ways in a way or two.
for e good...n for e worst...
what makes this change could be anything..
but one might not be concious of it..
thus i believe one cannot say that
'i believed i have changed alot'
one cannot say
' i have changed for what so ever reason'
as no one really noes how they have changed

maybe i'm wrong..
but thats for u to decide..
why i'm blogging on this topic?
well...cus a friend taught me this good lesson..
and i believe this should be shared with everyone.
n i wish all e best to that friend in his life ahead..
n may he really change.