The rebirth
Tuesday, April 8, 2008 @ 5:24 PM
hey hey~~
i deleted my previous blog due to e overwhelming emotions i had..
n i wanted to delete it as a sign of me moving on..
so as e next chapter of my life is about to unfold..
i believe it should start of from here... haha
YES! school is about so start..
my 5 and a half mth holiday is reaching its end in 2 weeks time..
NO! i aint in chung cheng high school (yishun) anymore (thank god)
will be heading to temasek poly for chemical engineering in e school of applied science..
orientation camp is startin on this thurs to sat...
and e course camp starts on e 15th..
but well...since i havent blogged bout my life since e start of my hols...maybe i should just share some stuff..
e 1st 2 mths of e hols...was omg...
it goes like this...
well this pretty much went on n on till like i had to ya.. -.-
but then...stuff started to get better around january...i started to teach drumming in west spring secondary school with belson every fridays..
but still...had alot to improve on..
as time came to march...
n march was....BUSY~~
it goes like this...
monday-DAY OFF!
wednesday-DAY OFF
thursday-drama rehersal
friday-teach wsss and drama rehersal
saturday-drums and drama rehersal
sunday-wushu pracice..
it was really challenging..for me n e rest of zingo...
some..even myself was on e edge of breaking down..
eventually ppl started falling ill n etc..
and i'm already very fortunate as some other members of zingo still had sch to attend..(respect!)
so ya~ this week schedule fer me is also another killer haha..
yesterday(monday)-drama rehersal at nafa
wednesday-Youth Olympic Games appeciation dinner
thursday-enter orientation camp
friday-still in camp..but gotta leave around 5 fer drama rehersal..
satuday-get out of camp n rush to drum practice n drama rehersal
sunday-DAY OFF!!WOOO~
hahas...OK...shall stop here..
will do my best to keep up with e posts~\
oh ya...for those who don't noe...
e drama thing i'm talking about is this:
yea...this is play...'DEATH OF A HERO'
we zingo will performing along with a arts group called puppets square..
do contact if u're interested to buy tickets!! =D
1-3 MAY(thursday-saturday)
tickets are at $25
Concessions for student, NSF and senior citizens at $20