contemplation of the beat

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ilisten music,idesign, ibullshit, idc. (if u intend to tag rubish. fuck off)

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and the clock hits 12.
Sunday, April 12, 2009 @ 2:27 AM

how things go by.
my blog is about a year old
and i'm rather devastated by reading thru my entries over the year.
a few more days.
n my grandmother has passed for a year.
talk about pouring ur emotions into a blog.
how stupid n naive i was.
the more i read thru the year.
the more..
'no? this aint me?'
as each post passed..
the more it changed
and wads gonna happen now?
as the true next chapter starts.
to look back
to look ahead.

and as the clock unwinds
so do you.