contemplation of the beat

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slap of reality.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009 @ 12:55 AM

well..its 1...
i'm really tired...
but dun feel like heading to bed..
its like being stuck to e chair n stare at the com
againts my will..
n apprarently..
i have very low will power.
so wad e heck..
i need to get more stuff off my mind b4 i can sleep.

serivanars pwned e dps charts yet again...
hit 75..
n finally...Spriest uber aoe dps skill..
mind sear is learnt..
yet to test the new skill n rotation.
but i'm sure i'll still be pwning..
ok enuff of this.

keep going..
keep going..
go for it..
keep trying..
won't hurt..
well i did..
n i've done so much that..
i'm using it as a shield to protect myself from failing again.
i keep thinking that its possible.
its like watching those cocked anime shows
where e hero keeps 'believing'
and everything just magically happens
this aint anime.
this aint a game.
this is real...
the pain is real..
the emotions are real..
there wern't to be.
it was all a illusion..
that i crafted out of myself..
to hide in my shell again..
a auto defense machanism in my brain.
nothing was ever real in e 1st place.
n its my fault to put myself thru this shit.
its harder to hold on to something.
but in reality..
its harder to let go.
esp againts ur will..
this time.
i'm sure...
very sure...
this is it.

i need a new source to express this.

Blow the candles out..
looks like a solo tonight..
i'm begining to see the light...